Inside Axis2 and Axiom: can somebody please clean up?
Recently my attention got caught by a set of issues in Axis2 and Axiom that at first glance may seem unrelated, but when considered together point towards an important design flaw in Axis2 and Axiom:
When MTOM or SwA is used, Axiom has the ability to offload the content of the attachments to temporary files. Axiom does this based on a threshold algorithm: it will first attempt to read the data into memory, and if the attachment is larger than a configurable threshold it will move that data and write the rest of the attachment to a temporary file. In addition, Axiom also implements deferred loading of attachments: the data is only read from the message when the code consuming the request tries to access the attachments. Of course this only works within the limits imposed by the fact that these attachments must be read sequentially from the underlying stream.
Recently a user reported an issue related to MTOM when used in an asynchronous Web Service, i.e. a service that returns an acknowledgement (HTTP 202) and then processes the request asynchronously on a separate thread, sending back the response using a different channel. This is a feature that is fully supported by Axis2. However it turns out that when used with MTOM, the attachments get lost. The reason is that sending back the HTTP 202 response will discard the part of the request that has not yet been read. More precisely,
, the class implementing the asynchronous feature, callsSOAPEnvelope#build()
, which makes sure that the SOAP part is fully read into memory, but fails to tell Axiom to read the attachments before control is handed back to the servlet container.I advised the user to fix this by replacing
, which forces Axiom to fetch all attachments, or at least those that are referenced byxop:Include
elements. However, this only led to the next problem, which is thatAxisServlet
before the thread processing the request gets a chance to read the attachments. If the attachments have been loaded into memory, this is not an issue, but if they have been offloaded to temporary files, these files will be deleted at that moment. -
An interesting aspect about the issue described above is that
seems to be the only transport that usesdeleteAttachments
. This means that the other transports would be affected by the opposite problem, i.e. instead of deleting temporary files too early (in the asynchronous case), they would not delete the temporary files at all. There is indeed an open issue in Axiom that describes this type of problem, but it is not clear if this occurs on the server side or client side (i.e. this bug report may actually refer to the last bullet below).It should be noted that since JMS is message based and doesn’t use streams, the only other (commonly used) transport that would be impacted is the standalone HTTP transport, which is also used by Axis2’s JAX-WS implementation when creating HTTP endpoints outside of a servlet container.
Axiom has another highly interesting feature called
. Basically, this makes it possible to create an XML fragment that is not backed by an in-memory representation of the XML, but by some other data source. To make this work, everyOMSourcedElement
is linked to anOMDataSource
instance that knows how to produce XML from the backing data. Many of the databindings provided by Axis2 rely on this feature. We also use it in Synapse for XSLT results if the stylesheet produces text instead of XML. Here again, if the result of the XSLT is too large, we offload it to a temporary file. In that case, we end up with anOMSourcedElement
that is backed by a temporary file. A known issue with this is that Synapse doesn’t properly manage the lifecycle of these files, i.e. it is unable to delete them at the right moment. It actually relies onFile#deleteOnExit()
and on garbage collection, so that these temporary files will in general be kept longer than necessary. -
Over the last year(s), there have been many reports about Axis2 leaking file descriptors or not closing HTTP connections. The issue came up again during the release process of Axis2 1.5.1, but it is still not entirely clear if the issue is now solved completely. What we know though is that at least part of the reports are in principle non-issues that are due the fact that the users didn’t call
to properly release connections. However, as Glen pointed out, the Axis2 Javadoc didn’t mention that it is mandatory to call that method (well, until I changed that). Also, I didn’t check yet what happens insidecleanupTransport
if the service response is MTOM. It might be that here again, Axis2 fails to clean up temporary files (see second bullet).
What is interesting to notice is that when processing a message, any SOAP stack may in general be expected to only acquire two kinds of resources that need explicit cleanup, namely network connections (or any other transport related resources) and temporary files. Indeed, assuming that the SOAP stack itself will not interact with any other external system, all other resources it acquires will be memory based and taken care of by the garbage collector (which of course doesn’t exclude memory leaks). Only the clients and service implementations (and maybe some particular modules/handlers) will interact with external systems and acquire other resources requiring explicit cleanup (such as database connections).
The fact that Axis2 (and/or Axiom) does a poor job when it comes to manage both types of resources is a strong indication that there is an important design flaw that has yet to be addressed, or that it is lacking the appropriate infrastructure and APIs required to guarantee correct lifecycle management of these resources.