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Using Pax Exam in Maven builds

The recommended approach to run OSGi unit tests with Pax Exam in a Maven build relies on the pax-url-aether library. This library allows to resolve Maven artifacts and to provision them as bundles to the OSGi runtime started by Pax Exam. Assuming that the bundles to be provisioned are declared as Maven dependencies in the project, a typical Pax Exam configuration would look as follows (Note that asInProject() relies on the execution of the org.apache.servicemix.tooling:depends-maven-plugin during the build):

public static Option[] configuration() {
    return options(

While at first glance this looks straightforward and natural, there are a couple of issues with this approach. The problem is that pax-url-aether creates its own Maven session to resolve artifacts, thereby bypassing the underlying Maven build. This means that the resolution performed by Pax Exam doesn't necessarily use the same configuration as the Maven build. There are several known circumstances where this causes problems:

  1. Repositories configured in the POM. Some have argued that declaring repositories in POMs is discouraged. That argument is correct for repositories containing release artifacts, but not for snapshot repositories: all release dependencies should indeed be available from the central repository, but dependencies on snapshot versions from upstream projects necessarily require configuration of additional repositories. The right place to configure these repositories is in the POM, not in settings.xml.

  2. The location of the local Maven repository (normally specified in settings.xml) can be overridden using the maven.repo.local system property. However, Pax Exam only looks at settings.xml. While overriding the local Maven repository on the command line is rarely done when running Maven manually, it is quite common for builds executed by a CI tool. E.g. Jenkins has a “Use private Maven repository” option that does exactly that (with a local repository in the Jenkins workspace). This problem is described in PAXEXAM-543.

  3. Offline mode. This mode is enabled using the -o switch on the mvn command, but Pax Exam has no way to detect this and will continue trying to access remote Maven repositories.

Probably this list is not exhaustive and there are other POM settings that will cause similar problems.

Another problem is that when building a multi-module project with mvn clean verify (instead of mvn clean install), instead of resolving bundles from the reactor, pax-url-aether will either use potentially outdated artifacts from the local (or a remote) repository or fail because it can't find them. As described here, this causes maven-release-plugin to fail during release preparation, unless the preparationGoals parameter is overridden with clean install.

Actually the whole approach of having Pax Exam resolve Maven dependencies on its own is questionable. This is certainly a very useful feature when used outside of a Maven build (e.g. to provision bundles directly from a Maven repository to a stand-alone OSGi container), but in a Maven build, it should be Maven's responsibility to download artifacts, and Pax Exam's role should be limited to provisioning them to the embedded OSGi container.

The link: protocol (together with the classpath: protocol) supported by Pax URL comes to our rescue to solve this problem. The idea is to let Maven resolve the artifacts and to generate link files that contain file: URLs to the bundles in the local Maven repository. They can then be deployed using url options:

    public static Option[] configuration() {
        return options(url(""), junitBundles());

These files can easily be generated using alta:generate-test-resources with the following configuration:


This configuration assumes that the bundle to be deployed is declared as a dependency in scope compile or test in the POM:


Note that this approach completely eliminates the usage of the mvn: protocal only if you use pax-exam-link-assembly instead of pax-exam-link-mvn. This means that the other dependencies of your project should look something like this:
